Thursday 6 February 2014

Best Food to Eat in the Morning to Lose Weight


If you are looking to shed a few pounds, your weight-loss efforts should start early in the day. Eating a healthy breakfast serves a number of purposes, including suppressing your appetite the rest of the day as well as giving you the fuel you need to be active. Simply eating these foods will not cause you to lose weight, but rather they will help put you in the best position possible to make healthy exercise and meal choices the rest of the day.


Fruits are a beneficial food to eat at any point in the day, but they may be especially effective in the morning. Starting your day with fruit can lead you to make healthier choices in later hours, according to, and healthier choices help promote weight loss. Fruits also are simple carbohydrates than can be broken down for energy quickly, helping you fuel your morning workout. In addition, many fruits are full of water, which can act as an appetite suppressant and keep
 you from grazing on extra food throughout the day.

Whole Grain and Fiber

Many types of breakfast foods advertise that they are "whole grain," but make sure they are high in fiber as well. According to the American Heart Association, foods that are high in fiber help you feel full while also having low calorie counts. These help you control your weight in the morning and limit your grazing throughout the day. Whole-wheat breads and cereals, as well as many types of oatmeal, are high-fiber foods to eat in the morning to get on the right track to weight loss.


Yogurt comes in a number of flavors and mixes very well with fruits and granola, making low-fat yogurt a good foundation for your morning food. Yogurt also is high in calcium, which helps to fight fat and promote weight loss, according to the University of Knoxville. Yogurt is portable and can be taken with you to save time in the morning.


A cold glass of water early in the morning can help suppress your appetite and make you feel full, which can help limit the food you eat and promote weight loss in the process. You should be drinking at least eight cups of water every day. Start to drink those early in the morning to stretch that full feeling over the course of your day. Also, drink a full glass about an hour before you eat for the same effect.

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